Focus module Equities Global

Focus module “Equities Global”

With effect from 1 July 2020 we expanded our offering to include the “Equities Global” focus module. Our aim here is to address the clients’ increasing wish to have a positive impact on the environment and society in addition to generating a financial return.

This goes hand in hand with growing awareness in many client segments of the need to deploy capital in a thoughtful way. In Switzerland, sustainable investments reached a new peak in 2019 with a volume of CHF 1,163 billion. Interest in sustainably invested assets looks set to continue. In this context, you might be interested to read the article about “Sustainable investments” that we are attaching.

Your benefits at a glance

  • You invest in companies that are structured in such a way as to have only a positive impact on the economy, society and the environment
  • The core focus of investments is on the sustainable development of business and living spaces
  • Invest in relevant megatrends such as digitalization, urbanization and new forms of mobility
  • Participate in the growth potential of new, future-viable technologies
  • Gain access to investments that are in line with the Paris Climate Accord
Christian Kappes

Christian Kappes

Member of Senior Management
Deputy Head Private Banking Switzerland